Scholarship to learn Russian in Russia - přihlas se do 16. 2. 2020

Pondělí 10. únor 2020, 12:41

"Enjoy Russian" language school for foreigners (Petrozavodsk, Russia) invites your students to participate in our scholarship contest. The winner will get free 2-week Russian course in Russia (the school covers 40 group lessons in summer of 2020). We kindly ask you to help us to inform your students about this opportunity. 

About the contest: the school holds such contests 3 times a year, so three winners get a free 2-week Russian course in Russia every year. The contest is very simple: the candidate should apply on the web-site, pass online Russian test (we can cover a course in a group of A1-B1 level) and make a post on one of the social nets on the given subject. Author of the most popular post will win the contest. Detailed information about the contest is published on our web-site: . The deadline to apply is February 16.

About the school: "Enjoy Russian" language school has organized programs of full Russian immersion since 2004, we have more than 1500 graduates. The programs are very effective and enjoyable as they include: communicative Russian course, Russian homestay, eventful cultural program and language practice with local volunteers. The duration of the programs is 1-12 weeks, eligible age is 16+ years old. 


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